Jman100's Sandbox Server is designed to
be the all-in-one fun server for everyone.
Scroll on down to see what we're all about!

Latest News
C4 Explosives
In addition to the already existing 4 types of grenades, we now have C4!
Choose with H and right-click to place. Then press R to explode!
Super Jumps
There are 220 (and possibly more to come) Super Jumps spread all around Panau. Get in a vehicle and jump it to collect it and get $1000! More rewards are listed in-game on the F5 help page.
Smash Gates
In addition to Super Jumps, there are now 100 Smash Gates around Panau! Drive through them for $1000. Can you find them all?
Additional rewards listed in the in-game F5 help menu.
SinisterRectus created an awesome wingsuit script, and it is featured on the server! Double-tap the shift key to fly around!
You can change your wingsuit settings (like turning off superman mode and turning on grapple for realism) in the buy menu!
Tron: Light Cycles
Check out a recreation of the Tron: Light Cycles game in JC2-MP! Created by SK83RJOSH, this game mode is sure to keep you entertained for quite a while! Can you take out your friends to win the round?
Server Features
Amazing Freeroam
Play with your friends for fun and do anything you can imagine! Race, do a Derby, Ski, find Super Jumps, and screw around with tons of cool features!
Build World
What do you get when you mix Garry's Mod with the open world action of Just Cause 2? Build World! Come build yourself or see the amazing creations others have made!
Advanced Buy-Menu
Want to dress up Rico in a cowboy hat and sunglasses? How about use a hot air balloon as a parachute? All that and more is available by pressing B in-game!